Pushing Jell-o uphill

I keep saying I need to visit the internet more often and I really really do. After being off for a few weeks, I learned one of my best friends from college has ovarian cancer. She’s lived in China the last several years and is hoping to return to the states soon. Not sure what will happen to their two cats, but she’ll be home. I read an article she shared about women’s health and was so frustrated and angry. A woman in NY was not feeling good. She’d had pain during sex, her tummy was becoming bloated, and she was experiencing several other things she felt were odd. She visited an OB/GYN who told her that as women age, sex can become painful. Her pap smear was normal and she should return in a year. A bit later, her pain was so intense, she visited an urgent care clinic. The nurse sent her to Emergency and the nurses there had her seen immediately. She had stage 3 ovarian cancer. My friend has had to push hard for several months and through different doctors to try and determine what might be wrong with her.

Pushing doctors to look further isn’t right. Had to do that with mum. Not that they had to look further, but that they would give her different options for pain. (that pain pump was an incredible little machine!) GH (a WP blogger with a quirky sense of humor!) has had to push her physicians to get them to help her. It angers me. For me, I’m constantly told my wonky leg is in my head (ok, that is a GREAT word picture!!) and that I’d be absolutely fine if I lost weight and drank more water. Oddly, I did visit an eye doctor last week. I kept having a shadow appear in my vision and it absolutely drives me bonkers! With or without the glasses, it is there. Turns out that sometimes after a cataract surgery a ‘scar’ can form and it needs removed with another short surgery. I’m glad that doctor saw what I was seeing and found an answer beyond losing weight and drinking water and aging. For me, they also add Diabetes and MS as reasons why my back aches or my hip hurts or I have headaches. I’m always wary of online helps, but I’ve decided to try some supplements. Maybe they might help with neuropathy. I ended up doing some research to learn what might be causing mouth sores. A change in toothpaste helped that, til I bit the inside of my mouth while eating!!!! (Apparently, sodium lauryl sulfate isn’t as good as it might be!)

Meanwhile, the weather has finally changed to summer during the day. Not liking the 90 degrees, but low 80’s and 70’s isn’t too bad. Nights are still in the 50’s, though. Had to plant the beans twice because so few came up. The peas look fairly strong…except for the 3 The Craftsman accidentally used the weedwhacker on!!!! (it was only the tops, but sheesh!!!) The summer flowers are starting to pop out. Was a bit annoyed with the daisies. They aren’t supposed to be taller than 14 inches and are at least 3 feet!!! Which means the underground sprinkler is going to nail them when it is finally turned on. I’ve also decided I want some more poppies. The front beds are scattered with bright CA ones and in back there are orange and white ones. The tiny bed with sweet peas and nasturtiums is just going to have to get some new soil and fertilizer. That strip of ground grows very little and what little that does grow is often spindly. The mock orange was splendid this year and those poppies. WOW! Little Bear thinks they are messy. Because of the dark pollen that falls on the petals! The cucumbers are doing ok and the tomatoes look really good. So far!!!! There is a great deal of time between bud and harvest!!!!! The purple salvia was a rescue plant. One of the best parts of garden stores is rescuing plants at the end of the season.

The squirrels are still entertaining us. There is definitely a love hate relationship with them. They’ve been lax on snacking off the corn cobs lately, so Little Bear affixed some dried fruit to a wire he hung off the cobs. (the fruit was forgotten in the fridge and had gotten a bit grainy) He also caught one of them in the live trap he’d set to capture opossum. Those are considered an invasive species here in the PNW and so far he’s caught 5 little ones near the rabbits!!!! They are so darn cute, but the adults will eat baby bunnies and so he catches them to inhibit their grownup activities.

One of the more interesting things I’ve done lately is frying food. Donuts, actually. They were cake donuts and turned out surprisingly well. The apple fritters weren’t as good, but that was because of the apple part. Seriously, if you need to add an ingredient, please say how much! 2 large apples or even 3 isn’t really a measurement. Not all varieties of apples are the same size! Eventually, I found a site that added 4 cups, but that was after I made the fritters! It was rather easy to fry, not as terrifying as I’d imagined. The worst part was having the correct sized pot. Mine was actually too large and the thermometer was barely sitting in the oil! Actually, the very worst part was getting rid of the used oil and washing the pot! Ended up pouring it into a zip baggie and disposing of it. If only I’d had a Mr. Fusion and could have used it in there! All in all, I’ll stick to muffins and things baked in the oven. (oven baked donuts are not as good at all!) Strider’s birthday is this weekend and even with him on the East Coast, I’ll still make a cake. Probably Red Velvet cake mix with homemade frosting.

Below photos are from Little Bear in May. (they are taking AGES to load!)

Laughing out loud!!!!! We have a black house cricket in a container and he seems to enjoy chirping along to ABBA. Little Bear came home from work and asked why I was listening to Disco. Told him Twain seemed to like it and he just looked at me. Then he said, ‘Should we get him striped bell bottoms for his back legs?’

Makes me smile

After Little Bear got back from the mountains Saturday night, I mentioned he looked nice (compliments are a good way to encourage people) in his matching camo. He did, too! Little Bear looked at his tucked in shirt and tidy pants and insisted, it didn’t match! Apparently, the shirt was Camo D3 and the pants were Real Tree Break Up. (I rolled my eyes!) He later shared a video he’d been watching. It was about an invasive species in FL called lionfish and how people are encouraged to catch them. They are also poisonous and most likely were first released by people who used to have them in tropical fish tanks. (obviously before Disney’s ‘Finding Nemo’) Except, they are incredibly prolific and rarely travel. He said when they procreate, the female releases eggs that float to the surface and the male releases stuff that also floats and the substances meld into each other and as soon as the babies are born, they fall to the sand and there they stay. My nose crinkled and I said, ‘Sperm?’ He responded, ‘Yes, stuff.’ 

Thankfully, he’s pretty on the ball with technology. (although, he hates it and even with the amount of cash in his various bank accounts, he hasn’t paid a bill yet. Because he has to do it online!! Oddly, he shops online, but that isn’t a bill!) I had three persons interested in mum’s rig in AK and was texting each of them and talking to them. The first person, M, said he’d give me 1600..which amazed me. I’d put 2000 in the window advertisement because I didn’t remember The Craftsman told me 12-15. Person B, contacted me close to the first person, who at this time hadn’t done more than text me about an interest. Person B was strapped for cash and I told him I”d drop the price. He then texted me he had 631$ and would be doing a job that would bring it up to $831 and then he sent me a photo of his baby!!! (this practice of tweaking the sympathies of a seller is just creepy!!! Oregon realtors finally disabled this practice in that business. Other places still use it and it is called writing ‘love letters’. Needless to say, it made me uncomfortable to recieve the picture!) Person C didn’t text me at first. He called and waffled on and on and on. He seemed my age, single, and I had to keep hauling him back to the vehicle by the proverbial scruff of his neck! He said he’d see what it was like to drive and contact me with what he felt was fair. Then, suddenly, MY PHONE STOPPED WORKING! I went online and tried different things and nothing solved the issue. All I wanted was to get it back so I could write down the phone numbers of those 3 people, the person who had the title, and the person who had the shop where it was stored. Little Bear had the afternoon off and after he ate his lunch and fed his rabbits, he helped me out. He not only removed the battery, but also the sim card. Huzzah!!! It started working again!! And later in the evening, it was sold to person A for 1600!!!!!!! Now, all I have to be concerned with is mom’s leftover debris here that I need to sell online. (Hallmark ornaments and so on.) And I should do something for the kid who helped me get my phone back so the Pacifica could be sold!!! 

He drives me nuts, is a sometimes clone of Jeremy in the comic ‘Zits’ or even Calvin of ‘Calvin and Hobbes’, but he’s someone I’m entirely thankful for. You do NOT want to watch a movie with him, though. He’s watched so many reviews, he tends to tear them apart as we are entertained. Granted, WW84 did need torn apart. How disturbing was it that Diana’s BF, the BF she kept dreaming about after knowing him for about a week 7 decades ago, came back in someone else’s body????? VERY! I’ve never been comfortable with long term possession in fiction. And WW84 was complete fiction and too long. Gal Gadot and Chris Pine are much better actors than the script gave them credit for.

Friday night and I’m in front of a keyboard!

I’ll be jiggered, I’m able to type while being offline! Not sure why or how, but will not look gift horses in the mouth! Tomorrow the caterpillars are supposed to start their change into butterflies (OK, just noticed something. Being offline won’t fix spelling or underline words that may or may not be accurate. Such as jiggered or caterpillers. Yup, as soon as I got online, many words were marked!). They also need temps between 68 and 78 F, but this week has been in the lower 60’s. With house temps in the middle. (The house is not very warm, except in later summer. Nice because it is a cooler home downstairs and not nice because when outside is 80 F, upstairs is an oven and downstairs is finally almost nice. I prefer 70F for a house temp!) And the very last caterpillar is hanging in the j shape, so soon it will make a sleeping bag and emerge in a few days as a butterfly. I made a mistake and mentioned to Little Bear that the caterpillars might emerge this weekend. He laughed and said that would be a neat trick to NOT change. Although, in retrospect, many of us do that. We hide in a place that looks safe and emerge as the same person that hid. Thankfully, more of us go into a safe hiding place where we can think and grow into something even more lovely than we already are. One of the lovely changes this spring is my purple shamrock. Was convinced it was dead, a few leaves showed up, and now look at it! 

Speaking of Little Bear, he’s not well. The right side of his abdomen aches and at first the doctor thought it might be appendix. After looking at him and poking around, it was decided he needed an ultrasound on his gall bladder. Well, that looked fine, but it seems there are spots of fat on his liver. So, we will try to change his diet a bit for the next two weeks and see if that helps his pain. It is horrid being a mom and seeing he hurts and knowing, at this point, there is nothing that can be done unless he does it for himself. I said we’d try to change his diet, but it will be his choice. I usually serve good foods, but he loads them up with condiments and has two platefuls. His ice cream servings are crazy! Anyway, we are thankful it isn’t anything that may need operated on. Had to laugh at him, though. The doctor told him if the pain gets worse to visit the ER and they will do a CT scan. He looked at the bill for the ultrasound and said there was no way he was going to visit an Emergency Room (or as it is called in the Hospital where mum was, Emergency Department or ED) because that bill would be ridiculous. He’s right on the cost, though. He hasn’t been to work for two days and I drove him to his blood draw today. The lab department gave him a kit to use for stool and urine. He was even less impressed with that. I wasn’t when he said the stool sample could be frozen and the urine kept in the fridge!!!!! YIKES!!! 

And as for yikes. Opted to wear my pretty red bra today and good Lord is it uncomfortable!! I must have gained acres of weight since I purchased it in fall of ‘19!!! I now know why tank tops are preferable. I’m also a tad nervous about removing it since my continuous glucose sensor is on the back of my arm and it was a pain getting the straps over it to put the thing on. Crazy?? Yes. 

And I’ll leave you this weekend with a crazy bit of fun, I give you ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Next Tuesday is a day set aside to celebrate this fun author and his works. I’ve already gotten a pot of purple petunias in a blue bowl (not going to drop them, though!!) and would serve pizza for dinner that night, but we had pizza last Tuesday! Follow the link and see what is going on for folks who keep their towels handy and know the answer to the secret of the universe. (Four.) Please enjoy this great tune from the movie intro and YouTube: “So long, and thanks for all the fish!”

Make Woom for Wabbits

Due to illness, faulty internet, and trying to keep up with the holiday decorating season, my correspondence has been spotty, at best. Working on Christmas cards this week..probably! So, this is from LAST weekend.

This might disturb some readers, but sustainable healthy meat harvest is part of the lifestyle of this family. (Little Bear says, ‘Kind of.’ He’s got to feed and care for and keep the genetic diversity strong, but at this point, the outlook is rather good.) At any rate, a few weeks ago, we drove across Oregon to get rabbits for Little Bear. They were all does instead of two does and a buck. So, he needed another buck. He was looking for Chinchilla, which are supposed to be an uncommon breed. For all the Chinchilla crosses he has found and the pure bred breeders in the area, they aren’t as uncommon as they might be! On Thursday he got a call from the daughter of one of his bosses (there are 3 ladies in the office. Little Bear doesn’t really think it is right to say one is boss over the others!), a lady he also works for. She was with a friend who jokingly asked if she knew anyone who wanted rabbits. Immediately, the woman called Little Bear and handed her friend the phone. The friend had a Chinchilla Californian cross pair she’d purchased several months ago and now she wanted to get rid of them. Two cages (although the rabbits shared one) and food and dishes and bunnies for free. She’d spent a great deal of money on these pets, they were getting larger, and it looked as if the female might be pregnant (go figure!!). Little Bear decided a nearby Chinchilla mixed pair for free was a lot less expensive than driving across country for a single male. He was sent a video of the cages and those also looked good. (when we arrived, he realized we did not need more than one vehicle for the cages and the rabbits and the cages had been lovely things with wood all over the place..that had been seriously chewed upon.)

Unfortunately, the new rabbits were going to live next to the other rabbits and one of my lasagna gardens needed moved pronto. (In retrospect, this was not a surprise. It was just something to hem and haw about before it really needed done and should have just been done! Kind of like the roof doesn’t leak when it’s not raining theory) Thus, I spent a couple of hours in a breezy freezing fog moving a garden. Little Bear asked if it was traumatizing. It wasn’t, not exactly. The Craftsman moved the frame for the garden, allowing me room to carefully shovel out with a square shovel sections of earth layers. Careful was the name of the game, since there were thriving bulbs in the bed and metal chicken wire on top of the yard soil. One of the worst parts was missing tulip bulbs. There were a few dug up, but by and large, they were absent. This bothered me. Hyacinth and daffodils of all kinds were full of delicate white rootlets and making new bulbs, but where were the tulips? Once the soil was shoveled off and placed in a wheelbarrow or on a tarp, the wire was fully exposed and able to be lifted. Yup, it had a couple of holes in it! It appeared the ground critters may have chewed up to the wire where the tasty bulbs were and gone through to get the treats. The few bulbs found were near bulbs considered inedible by rodents. (Completely annoyed, even as this is being typed!)

Thankfully, the metal mesh part was salvageable and with scraps from around the yard and shop, it was ‘fixed’. A layer of cardboard was put on top (usually you use newspaper, link is for other post) and then soil from the previous lasagna garden. This wasn’t layered, but just dumped in a barrowful at a time. The beautiful bulbs were tossed in the bed in a naturalization pattern and covered with more soil, the frozen topmost layer, and a nice sprinkling of leftover dirt and garden debris. From 1:30 to 3:10, less than two hours, the garden was moved and put back together! At this time (1030  pm) the rabbits are in the unheated addition to acclimate to the idea that they don’t need a heat lamp at 20 degrees F because they have very warm and soft fur. They will also be separated as soon as possible. If the lady (named Zsa Zsa and renamed Maude) is pregnant by Jimmy Bunny (renamed Bucky), they can’t stay together. Female bunnies are territorial and kits are a part of that territory. However, there is now room for their homes and if this keeps up, Little Bear is going to be top dog in a wabbit empire in record time! Six adults in less than 3 weeks has got to be a record.

Conversations with kids and more

I talked with Strider this week about shoes and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings. (Although, I’m not sure he’d know what that refers to. I’ll have to ask him. I sure hope he didn’t get to the age of 31 and not know..although, PTSD has helped him lose quite a few memories.) We DID, however, cover a myriad of topics, some I thought others might find interesting.   

Strider often finds moths or creatures I’ve never seen and passes photos on to me. We were talking about night birds (moths) and I shared how a friend in Ohio had posted a photo on FB of a crazy looking insect that resembled a giant light brownish white T. While ‘Letterman’ from ‘The Electric Company’ would have loved this bug, I was startled. I’ve never seen one, I’ve read about them, and they are called a plume moth. Strider then said the Luna moths in VA are starting to be found now, they only live a short time and their deaths herald the end of summer. He mused how odd it was that this large green moth was considered uncommon and that he felt the scientific phrasing for uncommon just meant ‘hard to find’ until they end up on the ground. He also wondered how they survived before cities, he always finds them clinging to cement walls, where they blend in at night. I asked him if they were a prey insect and that was where we skewed off into another thought.

Luna moths are not, but many toxic or dangerous insects and plants are brightly colored. Ladybirds, foxglove, night shade, monarch butterflies, and the like. Others animals who are venomous, are camouflaged. (Granted, some of the latter are bright, but not as many as you’d think) In Eastern Oregon there are rattle snakes. They have a ‘warning’ system and yet you have no clue they are around til you run across one. Most reptiles blend in, they might be bright and colorful if they were on a plain surface, but how odd! Plus, why did God (I do have a belief in a Creator, there is too much on this earth to have come about just because) make those toxic insects so colorful? Is it like males in the animal kingdom only with poison? “See me! I’m gorgeous and deadly to eat, so there! Go and eat that bug you can barely see and need to work for. Don’t mind me, I’ll just sit here and laugh at you as you look.”

During our chat, a large bird flew over. It startled me and we discussed what it might have been. It was NOT an eagle, but we surmised it may have been an osprey. It was large, didn’t even glance at this lake, and was gone in a moment. We discussed chickadees and Strider felt they were not exactly annoying, but impudent. I laughed. (speaking of which, I should go put seed in the open feeder since it stopped raining) He also said robins were the oddest bird in the yard. When I asked why, he said they are so darn fat! I look at them as they are busy digging up grubs and wonder, ‘How in the hell can you even fly?’

We discussed writing and how (I was surprised by this, too) authors don’t write in their ‘own’ voice. They write in the voices of the authors they have read until they end up creating their personal style. Yet, authors often write character or story, few can do both well. I asked him to explain himself and he mentioned one of our favorite books, ‘The Subtle Knife’ by Phillip Pullman. This made a terrible movie because there was too much character and film focuses on story. Also why another incredibly favorite book made such terrible movies, ‘Starship Troopers’ by Heinlein. Philosophy is almost impossible to visualize. (both of those books are heavy on philosophy) For the former, when Pullman made it into a play, it took two days of full length theatre sitting to watch it! The Marvel movies, those had authors who wrote character and lines first and the built the story after. It worked for them (except for the STUPID movie about Carol Danvers). The discussion veered into how he wants to see if he can animate one of his stories he started when he was in the Army. A fellow soldier read it and said he could ‘see’ it, so Strider wants to try. He’s not going to draw with a computer program, though, and he’s skeptical of his skills. The poor kid is convinced he’s too old to learn new things or open himself up to other jobs. (Oh, to infuse our children with confidence..I wasn’t a very good mom, I’d be much better at it now!) We bounced into talking about how there are companies who have employees who spend hours searching blogs or youtube videos for copyright infringements so they can nail others for using them, thereby making thousands of dollars from others. Capitalism at its worst.

At that point, his dad called with the information I asked for on Friday. So, he said he’d send me a Luna moth photo and talk to me later.

Earlier, the Book Lady had stopped by with more boxes for me and brought something to my attention an opinion I felt was silly. The Book Lady picks rhubarb for a church food bank. She had been picking near me, but had an opportunity to pick closer to town. She said she was picking back out north again because the other place had rhubarb of the wrong color. Apparently, people prefer red skinned stalks instead of green!! If you close your eyes and add enough sugar, it all tastes the same!!! (except the leaves, which are toxic…..) This is exactly what is wrong in our world.

Happy Birthday to my Baby!

Ok, he’s not my baby. He’s 31 now..can I really be old enough to have a kid that age?? LOL I wrote up a post for my family blog and can’t remember the darn password. So, I share some of it here!

I often celebrate people with long distance celebrations. So, I made muffins today. I was kind of nervous. I don’t have certain ingredients, but I discovered you don’t actually need them!! I only used a smidge of baking soda cuz when I made biscuits last, I had to toss them away cuz they were too salty (I used a half a tsp). I also split the egg (yolk from white) and beat the white part and added it last. I used less sugar than the recipe called for and added chocolate and applesauce. I was very impressed! I also added lots of seasonings and a smidge of brown sugar to the white. (I hope that stays small. I get so mad when I shrink a photo and it ends up HUGE on the blog) I tried a small one to see how it was and then ate another one cuz it was so good!

I also had a problem with my cell phone and couldn’t get or send images. Strider said he found this while out at work in VA. As you can see, it was pretty badly injured. I was excited, though. I’ve never seen one of these in real life. Well, I still haven’t, but having my son find one is still closer than just seeing them in books or online! It is the largest moth in North America, a Cecropia moth and I’ve read about them in The Girl of The Limberlost. The caterpillars would probably stress me out, though. I’m not fond of lots of legs on tiny creatures!

Now I’ll add some forest observations. I hope you enjoy them!

Distantly, I hear sounds of man. The thrum of machines, maybe a chainsaw or an ATV, airplanes droning overheard, and wind chimes sounding out in varied silver tones. Man, however, is overpowered here by the delightful orchestra of nature. Woodwinds, made up of birds, trill and chirp alarms and boundaries as they flit from tree to ground and back. I have always loved the repetitive call of the chickadee. ‘Chicka dee dee dee!’ Staccato bass notes from a woodpecker pounding on a tree catch my ear and I try to find out where it is. I’m pretty sure it is a hairy woodpecker, it is very loud! So is the high pitched piccolo yelling of the squirrel! If I could only understand what is inside the cadence of that voice (or probably not!). Insects buzz as they dive around me, I’m most annoyed by the upper registers of the mosquito whine (That is often accompanied by the human sound of my hand slapping where it was or is!) and the irritating ‘zzz’s’ of horse flies. I can hear quiet liquid notes of splashing from different waterfowl in the lake and the adorable ‘ploop’ as the golden eye babies practice diving. Over, or perhaps, under everything, you can hear the breeze as it rushes along through the different foliage, spreading gossip in a building crescendo before leaving for a few more measures. A beautiful birthday song for my son-

Wisdom and laughter

My youngest has a pager for emergency situations like fires. In the last months, the local department was absorbed into several others, so now calls are for any number of things from EMT to brush fires to roll overs and house fires (he is trained for structure fires). His pager went on on Wednesday night. It was a long call that he boiled down into, ‘a five year old fell and her head is bleeding, but she seems to be fine.’ I asked, ‘why on earth did they call for help? They should keep an eye on her and use ice.’

brown and white bear plush toy

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

His comment? “It’s probably their first kid.”

grayscale photo of laughing old man

Photo by Flickr on Pexels.com

The Kid

Tuesday was an interesting day. 26 years ago, my baby was born (he knows he’ll always be my baby, he’s resigned to it!) and he hates having himself being in the limelight. Last year there was a snow storm and we had a party anyway. It was great fun. Tuesday morning, I made chocolate moose mud muffins for him to take to work. (The treats stayed in his Bronco because he HATES people knowing anything about him!!) We’ll have pizza for dinner and I was baking a chocolate cake while I typed up most of this post! When he came home for lunch, I thought I’d warm up the fries he had leftover from Sunday in the air fryer. He had on the microwave, the washer and dryer were going, and just in the last seconds of the microwave and air fryer time, a breaker went off. (no storm here, just a cool electrical picture from WP free photos)

city weather thunderstorm electricity

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on Pexels.com

The air fryer on the other side of the kitchen went off, as well as the microwave, the fridge, the washer (not the dryer), and the kitchen radio/CD player! The dryer is on the same side of the house as most of the appliances which stopped. It was odd. Now, fixing this is normally simple. Except in this house. We have lived here for at least 11 years, the electrical was all odd when we moved in and The Craftsman (who likes working with electrical things) went on a fixing spree. But, he did not label the breaker box. Little Bear had to carefully turn switches (none were off) til the off things popped back on. His place of work gives them an hour for lunch instead of 30 min with two 15 min breaks in the day. He often takes that time to nap or read, both of which were missed today because he gave me power again. He also said he’d go with me to buy pizza. His cakes had  ‘outies’ and fell, one of the two pizzas slipped to the bottom of the oven, turned into a calzone and was opened back up, and it was a ridiculous day. Except for two phone calls. One from my uncle in MN and a brief one from TnT. I also got a text from my Alaskan neighbor. She’s in Hawaii with her spouse to celebrate her birthday, she texted cuz someone put piles of snow in front of three different drives! Her son was going to move them. Crazy!!! (The Kid’s cake with nipples and decor of chocolate curls on top made with tater peeler shavings from a candy bar and inside the two layers is raspberry jelly with mini chocolate chips)

Saturday was interesting. I haven’t checked emails and after opening up one, haven’t again!!! The power bill for $730 was more than I wanted. (it has been really cold up north. Not sure at my house, but my sister 20 miles away had -23F) I was busy all that day with baking and cleaning. The Craftsman helped vacuum the downstairs before he left for things he wanted to do, so that was different and nice. I got many FB greetings and several cards were mailed my way along with texts. For a birthday, it was really nice. It is all in your attitude. I could have whined cuz my family didn’t ‘do’ anything to celebrate me. Yet, they did. The Craftsman gave me a bag of Christmas Kit Kats he’d saved to give me (I did say something about chocolate and he popped them in front of me!), Little Bear purchased me a lovely soft blanket I didn’t need but appreciated, my aunt from Minnesota called, and the three of us did spend part of the evening watching a movie together. On Sunday, we took Grandma and went out for our annual February Sunday birthday lunch (photos are my lunch and Little Bear’s) and I bought a pair of earrings.


(My sandwich-above next to my ice cream for breakfast- was grilled chicken, blue cheese spread, and bacon. The kid had two patties of burger, a layer of roast beef, and ham and bacon!!)

I have almost a dozen Valentine’s almost ready to mail, I’ll do those later this week. Today has been too convoluted to visit the post!

My heart breaks

Little Bear is often alone. He has some friends, but no one he has ever hung out with. He spends his time by himself or with his dad or his brother (when possible). He’s not a loner in a negative way, he is just alone. He always has been and it makes me sad. Soon, he’ll be 26 years old. He’s got a full time job, a lot of money in the bank, is frugal, reads, watches movies and whatever might be on youtube that tickles his fancy from cat videos to the evolution of traps and locking mechanisms. Our desktop computer has two profiles and on his there are many interesting things. I rarely look beyond photos, (he puts what he terms his best ones in a public folder) yet this was in a document called walls and it caught my eye and I opened it. I have no idea who wrote it, Little Bear could have (or Strider..). He’s a very good writer, but I don’t think he did. It fits him (and his older brother) exactly and this is why it breaks my mom heart. What did I do wrong? Is this fixable? I miss those little boys, am proud of my grown ones, yet how can they remove walls?


December 09

There once was a child born into the plains of life. He was happy and innocent. One day he looked up and saw a foundation around him, one brick high. He could see others around him outside the bricks. He could talk to them, but never let anyone in. Though some were closer than others, eventually they all left. For the wall had grown taller with the years. The boy started to become concerned because it grew harder and harder to see anyone on the other side. Eventually he would have to climb it just to see anyone at all, but always retreated back inside for he relished the safety of his enclosure. He came to realize as the years past what a problem this wall could be. The world told of all the great things one can do with the help of others (relationships). But the wall had grown too high; he climbed it daily and saw people go by. But no one stopped, for the wall was too formidable.

            For years this became the routine, he began to lose sight of what the world was like outside. He found that he wanted to be with those outside his wall, but he did not know how to get past it. Still more years past and this boy grew to a man, and he ignored the wall’s inconvenience. He still climbed it daily, and wanted what was beyond it; his hope of ever crossing it dwindled. No one on the outside could see in to see if it was worth it to break through. Few stopped to take a second glance.

            So now we are here. This man despairs because this wall is now his prison. He cries because he is lonely, but he laid the bricks himself. How could God have created a creature capable of love, but helpless to let himself find it? This wall has now become a fortress the sight of which strikes fear into all those who might glimpse its prisoner and wonder of his condition. What tools can tear down such a structure I do not know, for I did not know how it started, or under what circumstance it could end. Demons torment me that I have come to this place, and lick at the wounds that it leaves. Any dream of love is almost unbearable now, that anyone would desire the beast that now resides in this gulag. Most days I am numb to my situation, but some stab deep into despair. If I look to the future I see only this place. The desire to find another is still strong, but is countered by the shame that they must come here to find me. Even if there was someone who was capable of loving me, they would deserve someone without my faults which shackle this self –sentenced being. Someone that wonderful should not be wasted on me. Finding love is my most central desire and most over-reaching fear.


May Bee!

A giant bumble in the lilacs a few years back. There were dozens of these bees hitting the trees.

I’ve been a busy bee the last few days. I leave for Alaska in 10 and as I waffled around all winter with stuff that needed done here, now, I’m reluctantly digging deep into projects. I’ve been doing more yard work because I feel comfortable out there (today had a chilly wind, so I mixed up sweets for the guys. When I use peanut butter, I don’t eat those treats!) The Saturday after I am gone, there is a town yard sale and I was asked to get things ready for it. (In spite of the several bags I’ve already gotten rid of for Sally Ann-Salvation Army) I’m sorting through Cub Scout projects and deciding there isn’t really a reason to keep 18 raingutter regatta boat kits around (simple cut out boat with sails made from foam sheets or interfacing with mast made of a chopstick with the tip cut off) or even 10 blank tin punching sheets. And those bird house projects…Being a Cub Scout Day Camp program director for several years means a lot of left over projects! (We’d try to send them home for the kids who didn’t show, but usually the stuff got hauled off by those cleaning up.) So, that has been on my to do list.

I purchased a couple of e books, unfortunately I can’t just read and drop and read again since the darn battery tends to also drop. Real books are definitely my favorite thing. I ordered one new set of earrings and will order another pair of Canada ones. I was looking for a pair of Garfield earrings (partly because of Garfield Hugs and well, also because I do love that big orange sarcastic cat!) and Amazon made me laugh. There are a lot of cute earrings, but also ran across a pair of President Garfield ones. The first pair I purchased..the second I did not. That poor man depicted with a hole in his head (his assassination bullet went thru his spine and abdomen..and he later died painfully due to the bad hygiene of the times and inept doctors. His main physician was named Doctor–his for real name!).

I’ll post pond clean up photos later. So messy!! But, at least it is now tidy..empty, but clean. (it has a patch that needs fixed) World Naked Gardening Day is on Saturday, but a more important day for this town is the free dump day. (I may have mentioned that earlier) So, I’m also adding to the garbage that needs tossed. I guess it is getting me ready for Alaska and mom’s debris!!! Fun fun fun!! Or not…